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%% Takahashi's proof of Church-Rosser using complete developments %% Masako Takahashi, "Parallel reduction in lambda-calculus", %% Information and Computation 118(1), April 1995. %% %% Abella proof contributed by Randy Pollack Specification "cr". Define ctxs : olist -> olist -> olist -> prop by ctxs nil nil nil ; nabla x, ctxs (trm x :: L) (pr1 x x :: K) (cd1 x x :: notabs x :: J) := ctxs L K J. Define name : tm -> prop by nabla x, name x. %% properties of correct contexts Theorem trm_worlds : forall L K J E, ctxs L K J -> member E L -> exists A, E = trm A /\ name A /\ member (pr1 A A) K /\ member (cd1 A A) J /\ member (notabs A) J. induction on 2. intros. case H2. case H1. search. case H1. apply IH to H4 H3. search. Theorem pr1_worlds : forall L K J E, ctxs L K J -> member E K -> exists A B, E = pr1 A B /\ name A /\ A = B /\ member (trm A) L /\ member (cd1 A B) J /\ member (notabs A) J. induction on 2. intros. case H2. case H1. search. case H1. apply IH to H4 H3. search. Theorem cd_worlds : forall L K J E, ctxs L K J -> member E J -> (exists A B, E = cd1 A B /\ name A /\ A = B /\ member (trm A) L /\ member (pr1 A A) K /\ member (notabs A) J) \/ (exists A, E = notabs A /\ name A /\ member (trm A) L /\ member (pr1 A A) K /\ member (cd1 A A) J). induction on 2. intros. case H2. case H1. search. case H1. case H3. right. search. apply IH to H4 H5. case H6. search. search. %% The meaning of "notabs" is as expected Theorem notabs_abs_absurd: forall A L K J, ctxs L K J -> {J |- notabs (abs A)} -> false. intros. case H2. apply cd_worlds to H1 H4. case H5. case H3. case H3. case H6. % {J |- cd1 A B} implies A is a term Theorem cd1_trm : forall A B L K J, ctxs L K J -> {J |- cd1 A B} -> {L |- trm A}. induction on 2. intros. case H2. apply IH to H1 H4. apply IH to H1 H5. search. apply IH to _ H3. search. apply IH to H1 H3. apply IH to H1 H4. search. apply cd_worlds to H1 H4. case H5. case H3. search. case H3. % similarly, {K |- pr1 A B} implies A is a term Theorem pr1_trm : forall A B L K J, ctxs L K J -> {K |- pr1 A B} -> {L |- trm A}. induction on 2. intros. case H2. apply IH to H1 H3. apply IH to H1 H4. search. apply IH to _ H3. search. apply IH to H1 H3. apply IH to H1 H4. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H4. case H3. search. %% Just for information, every cd1 step is a pr1 step. %% Proof by induction over term structure, but second hypothesis %% is derivable. Theorem pre_cd1_pr1 : forall A B L K J, ctxs L K J -> {L |- trm A} -> {J |- cd1 A B} -> {K |- pr1 A B}. induction on 2. intros. case H2 (keep). % 1) {J |- cd1 (app M N) B}. Should work by IH. case H3. apply IH to H1 H4 H7. apply IH to H1 H5 H8. search. apply IH to H1 H4 H6. apply IH to H1 H5 H7. search. apply cd_worlds to H1 H7. case H8. case H9. case H6. case H6. % 2) {J |- cd1 (abs M) B}. Should work by IH. case H3. apply IH to _ H4 H5. search. apply cd_worlds to H1 H6. case H7. case H8. case H5. case H5. % 3) member (cd1 A B) J. Then A = B, and we know pr1 is reflexive. apply trm_worlds to H1 H5. case H4. case H6. case H3. apply cd_worlds to H1 H11. case H12. case H10. search. case H10. Theorem cd1_pr1 : forall A B L K J, ctxs L K J -> {J |- cd1 A B} -> {K |- pr1 A B}. intros. apply cd1_trm to H1 H2. apply pre_cd1_pr1 to H1 H3 H2. search. %% pr1 is reflexive Theorem pr1_rfl : forall A L K J, ctxs L K J -> {L |- trm A} -> {K |- pr1 A A}. induction on 2. intros. case H2. apply IH to H1 H3. apply IH to H1 H4. search. apply IH to _ H3. search. apply trm_worlds to H1 H4. case H5. case H3. search. %% cd1 has no overlap between rules, so is a functional relation Theorem cd1_unique: forall A B C L K J, ctxs L K J -> {J |- cd1 A B} -> {J |- cd1 A C} -> B = C. induction on 2. intros. case H2. case H3. apply IH to H1 H5 H8. apply IH to H1 H6 H9. search. apply notabs_abs_absurd to H1 H4. apply cd_worlds to H1 H8. case H9. case H10. case H7. case H10. case H7. case H3. apply IH to _ H4 H5. search. apply cd_worlds to H1 H6. case H7. case H8. case H5. case H5. case H3. apply notabs_abs_absurd to H1 H6. apply IH to H1 H4 H6. apply IH to H1 H5 H7. search. apply cd_worlds to H1 H7. case H8. case H9. case H6. case H6. apply cd_worlds to H1 H5. case H6. case H7. case H4. case H3. apply cd_worlds to H1 H12. case H13. case H11. search. case H11. case H4. %% now to show pr1 has diamond property (Takahashi proof, using cd1) %% There is a cd1 step from every trm Theorem cd1_exists : forall A L K J, ctxs L K J -> {L |- trm A} -> exists B, {J |- cd1 A B}. induction on 2. intros. case H2. % app apply IH to H1 H3. apply IH to H1 H4. case H3. search. apply IH to _ H7. search. apply trm_worlds to H1 H8. case H7. search. % abs apply IH to _ H3. search. % variable apply trm_worlds to H1 H4. case H3. search. %% inversion lemmas about the shape of pr1 steps Theorem pr1_name: forall A B L K J, ctxs L K J -> {K |- pr1 A B} -> name A -> B = A. intros. case H3. case H2. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H5. case H4. search. Theorem pr1_abs: forall R B L K J, ctxs L K J -> {K |- pr1 (abs R) B} -> exists S, B = (abs S). intros. case H2. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H4. case H5. case H3. Theorem pre_pr1_subst_lem: forall A1 A2 B1 B2 L K J, nabla x, ctxs L K J -> {K, pr1 x x |- pr1 (A1 x) (A2 x)} -> {K |- pr1 B1 B2} -> {K |- pr1 (A1 B1) (A2 B2)}. induction on 2. intros. case H2. apply IH to H1 H4 H3. apply IH to H1 H5 H3. search. apply IH to _ H4 H3. search. apply IH to H1 H4 H3. apply IH to H1 H5 H3. search. case H5. case H4. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H6. case H4. case H7. search. search. Theorem pr1_subst_lem: forall A1 A2 B1 B2 L K J, ctxs L K J -> {K |- pr1 (abs A1) (abs A2)} -> {K |- pr1 B1 B2} -> {K |- pr1 (A1 B1) (A2 B2)}. intros. case H2. apply pre_pr1_subst_lem to H1 H4 H3. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H5. case H4. case H6. %% The key lemma that allows to show that pr1 has the diamond %% property. Theorem cd1_pr1_triangle : forall A B C L K J, ctxs L K J -> {K |- pr1 A B} -> {J |- cd1 A C} -> {K |- pr1 B C}. induction on 3. intros. case H3. % cd1 app case H2. apply IH to H1 H7 H5. apply IH to H1 H8 H6. search. apply notabs_abs_absurd to H1 H4. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H8. case H9. case H7. % cd1 abs case H2. apply IH to _ H5 H4. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H6. case H7. case H5. % cd1 contract case H2. case H6. apply IH to H1 H7 H5. apply IH to H1 _ H4. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H9. case H10. case H8. apply IH to H1 H7 H5. apply IH to H1 _ H4. apply pr1_subst_lem to H1 H9 H8. search. apply pr1_worlds to H1 H7. case H8. case H6. % cd1 var apply cd_worlds to H1 H5. case H6. case H4. apply pr1_name to H1 H2 H7. search. case H4. %% The main result Theorem pr1_diamond : forall A B1 B2 L K J, ctxs L K J -> {K |- pr1 A B1} -> {K |- pr1 A B2} -> exists C, {K |- pr1 B1 C} /\ {K |- pr1 B2 C}. intros. apply pr1_trm to H1 H2. apply cd1_exists to H1 H4. apply cd1_pr1_triangle to H1 H2 H5. apply cd1_pr1_triangle to H1 H3 H5. search.